#Eternaltraveller - Celebrity Event Producers, Entrepreneur Duos, Travel Bloggers

Although traveling amid a pandemic sounds like a daunting task, the recent data shows an uptick for travelers overall. As we grow closer to 2022 it’s clear that more are willing to take the risk associated with reward of a new horizons. With virtual access to and seemingly endless supply of the current travel content, it’s near impossible to resist that itch we get whenever enticed enough to be bitten by the travel bug!
One year ago, we decided to pivot our business, after a staycation at one of our local resorts in Delray Beach, we created a video wrapper of our stay and promoted the safety precautions the hotel had implemented. After getting noticed form our review, people were booking. We saw that there was a need to shine light on other hotels who needed our services.

At our fingertips exists an extensive list of hashtags and geotags that help discover the globe through so many viewpoints it’s almost impossible to see them all without falling down a rabbit hole. Unexpectedly, some of the most interesting resources to explore are operated by those who have forayed their way into this space due to the pandemic overall. When in person event production was on a hiatus, the celebrity event planners of @ticket2events, Brian Kelly and Sean Koski, took their newfound freedom to new heights with a digital invitation for all to enjoy their travel adventures as they unfold. Expanding their event experiences into the travel world, the dynamic duo that’s worth a follow, @officialbriankelly & @seankoskii have been traveling to the beat of a tropical drum with content shares from destinations like Puerto Rico, Tulum, Delray Beach, Arizona, St Lucia and Greece.
At short glance one may consider their shared following of 40k to be overlooked yet considering the combined force of followers they cultivate as invited guests join these trips, there’s no surprise to find out how a million + followers are in the world they continue to create. Adding excitement to their digital events curated through planned social shares have been familiar faces we’ve seen along the way like Housewives of Dallas star @LeeAnneLocken, their main #eternaltraveler
companion & new found friend, life coach extraordinaire @TiffanyHendra. Additionally former New York Housewife, content creator and model @KristenTaekman has joined in on the fun in certain locations.

While they’re on a tour of various destinations, viewers are encouraged to follow along and interact overall to help drive the conversations when en route and on location. Included in their content are insights to making the travel experience effortless at any rate including a nod to that luxury service expected when attending one of their red carpet events, something Brian Kelly and Sean Koski of Ticket2events, are known to provide.
They boys partner with brands along the way creating an overall experience, highlighting certain items, gadgets and essentials that every traveler should have. Some of their favorite essentials are the 360' IQUI camera that captures amazing video and photos in a 360 format.
Harnessing the power of social media, the boys shared an endless supply of updates with highlighted moments featuring lavish resources available then and again to anyone interested in replicating their stay themselves.
We asked 5 Questions to get to know Brian Kelly & Sean Koski better #travelstyle
1) What are your favorite places that you have traveled to?
Our favorite places to travel to our those that give us a beautiful view and resorts/ hotels that have access to off site excursions or options to explore the city or county we are visiting. I thin the best place we visited was St. Lucia but the best hotel so far was the Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort in Arizona!
2) Tell us about your business?
We are event producers by trade, we have planned, created and produced events for 10 years! Notably our Jill Zarin's luxury luncheon, Hot In The Hamptons, Hamptons Interative Inleuner Brunch and 50 Shades of Blogging. All our events bring together brands an opportunity to network, sell and expose their serviecs/producst to high net worth individuals, celebrities, influencers and members of the press all while having a charity component! With our business we have always traveled, wither thats for a client, an event we are planning etc. We always are looking for new ways to expand on what we do and how to grow! When we had the opportunity to turn something bad ( the shutdown of events during covid) and start to highlight the ease of travel and highlight hotels and destinations around the world, we jumped at the opportunity to create an new opportunity for ourselves. We were able to utilize our skills from, PR, social media and infelucener marketing to harness the power of our travel ventures!
3) Are there any travel tips or hacks you can share?
If you don't have to check a bag, don't! It's so much easier to have a bigger carry on and a personal bag to bring on the plane with you than check a bag. 2- Most hotels will give you a "media rate" if you call up and ask for the marketing director onsite. 6/10 times they will give you a discount if you say you will promote your stay on your social media! You don't necessarily have to have a big following or be "an influencer" but will have to have a public account. It doesn't hurt to ask, its a win win situation. The hotel gets free publicity and you save a few bucks on a hotel that you were already going to book!
4) Where is somewhere that you really want to to travel to next?
We really want to go/ work with the Maldives and Italy next! However we are starting to approach more US hotels. There are so many amazing places to visit nationally that we would love to explore and share with everyone!
5) Hotel beauty products – steal or leave behind?
TAKE!! Always!! I (Sean) love collecting the hotel products and using them back when we are home. They usually have the best ones.
Continuing to craft their travel plan, where to go, what to bring, how to be safe, stay tuned for Brian & Seans upcoming travels and a list of things to watch for, including a trip to Costa Rica and back to their favorite place in Tulum!